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How to Have a Healthy Relationship with your Divine Masculine Twin Flame

I’ve seen this idea a lot that the man should do all the work, do all the pursuing, make the effort for the woman. A lot of DFs can have the approach of treating their man like he’s their source and they try to squeeze him for all his emotional love and support.

It's a common belief and practice that the man or masculine counterpart should do the effort, while the feminine sits back and receives. And while it is true that the way that the feminine relates to the masculine is through receiving, it does not mean that you do not love and support your man in return.

Love your man. Invest in him. Appreciate him. Your man in Divine Truth your man and your greatest supporter. But you’re also his.

I’ve seen this idea a lot that the man should do all the work, do all the pursuing, make the effort for the woman. A lot of DFs can have the approach of treating their man like he’s their source and they try to squeeze him for all his emotional love and support.

But that’s not how to relate to the masculine. Your man deserves love and support too. Your man desires to feel loved and valued just like you.

The key to having a healthy relationship is through love. Do not be afraid to claim your masculine. In my Union, I was the one that was initially guided to claim my Twin Flame. I approached him first and told him very bluntly that I believe we are Twin Flames and that I'd like to explore that. He was completely open to me as I approached him with total confidence, peace and surrender. I wasn't trying to get anything from him, I just knew this is where I was guided.

After we realized that we were Twin Flames I took the initiative to move to his country, Spain, from where I was in the USA. When we realized we are Twin Flames we attaining the vibration of Harmonious Union together and it was obvious that our next step was to be together in person. So I didn't wait for him to make the first move as I used to do in all my past romantic relationships. I was not there to play those games as I'd learned on my journey so far that it doesn't matter who does the initiating because God is the center of your Union and it only matters who God moves through, and in this case, God was moving through me. Because I claimed my Twin Flame so openly, he felt safe and loved and encouraged to invest all of himself in our relationship in return.

As taught by Jeff and Shaleia, when the masculine is experiencing blocks to giving the feminine helps him overcome those blocks by encouraging him. Your Masculine wants to feel loved, wanted, desired by you. So many good men are used to being taken from and squeezed for all their resources. They feel hurt and like they need to have walls up to their giving and the sacred love in their heart. So it’s safe to give to your man and let him know you love him, you want him, you’re there for him. That he’s safe with you. You don’t just want his energy. He’s not a vending machine. You help him open up and give his love by loving him and encouraging him.

Invest in your man. Love him. Don’t just see the masculine as a resource or see what you can get from him. That’s not how you have a healthy relationship. Your man is a person, a human being and he needs love too.

It’s not about what you can get. It’s about what you can give. And in your giving, you receive all.

In my journey I was the one who did almost all of the “pursuing” in the beginning. I reached out first, I made the plans for me to move to his country, I invested in him a lot. And he invested in me in return. But you can’t be afraid to claim your man and love him with your whole heart. It’s safe to do that.

Always value yourself highly. Have boundaries. Respect yourself. But also, don’t be afraid to love your man. Invest in the God in him.

When you do this, you will receive everything.

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